Design System

Created for both Sasaki Strategies designers and developers, this design system aims to make it easier to design and build intuitive, consistent, and polished interfaces.

How to Use

Should I use this?

This design system is intended to be implemented in different ways depending on the type of project.

  • Prototypes and Internal-Facing Projects (such as the Strategies Internal Site or the Image Geolocator) will implement this design system and all of its components directly; they should be fully Sasaki-branded.
  • Products (such as CoMap) will use this design system as a starting point to develop their own distinct brand that is visually related but not exactly the same.
  • External Websites (such as Understanding Homelessness or MLK) will embody the design vision principles shown below, but otherwise will develop a distinct brand that may or may not be visually similar to this design system.

If you're unsure, please contact Gretchen or Brad with any questions about which approach is most appropriate for your project.

Get Up and Running

There are three stylesheets that comprise the Strategies design system: _core, _fonts, and _styles. The CORE file contains only mixins and variables and the FONTS file contains only font imports, while the STYLES file includes all applied definitions. To use the full design system, include all three files in your project; this is best when starting a new project. When retrofitting an existing project, start with only CORE and FONTS.

To install / update in your project, use NPM:

  • Run npm login using sasaki-dev credentials to access private package
  • Run npm i @sasaki-dev/design-system to install

To reference in your project:

  • With a Webpack (e.g., React) @import '~/@sasaki-dev/design-system/styles/styles';
  • With SCSS (without webpack) @import 'node_modules/@sasaki-dev/design-system/styles/styles';

You can also download the latest directly here: CORE, FONTS, and STYLES. Or check out the repo in Bitbucket > design_system > package.

Design Vision

“We believe data, design, and technology, used together, define the future of place.”
— Sasaki Strategies

This mission statement of the Strategies team reflects broader aspirations from Sasaki’s brand: optimism, idealism, and commitment; shifting focus from the spatial to the human; shaping experiences through physical environments. The Strategies team is responsible for manifesting these brand concepts in digital environments. This design system provides the digital building blocks to use while creating those digital environments.

The following concepts are founding principles that drive how our brand is expressed digitally. Sasaki Strategies interfaces should:


Be Approachable

Data and technology can be intimidating for those who don’t work with it every day. We seek to overcome that barrier, by designing interfaces that are inviting to interact with, clear to understand, welcoming and accessible. To do this, we create self-explanatory interfaces, use a warm voice for copy, and avoid overly dark or heavy visual design.


Allow for Exploration

Much of the content that we work with is complex. While our interfaces are approachable, that doesn’t mean they lack depth -- the interfaces we create should enable deep understanding and clearly reveal complex nuances. To accomplish this, we believe in providing details on demand while maintaining a minimalist and clean visual style.


Be Distinctive

Sasaki, and in particular Strategies, offers a unique presence and contribution to the world -- one that balances both data and design with equal weight. The interfaces we create should reflect that distinctive approach; they should use consistently recognizable elements such as tone, motion, and visual design to be clearly identified as Sasaki products.


Encourage Trust

We believe that the people and places we work with are important; our work often has large-scale impact on spaces, budgets, and residents’ lives, and we don’t take that lightly. As such, the interfaces we design should balance play with gravitas to create trust. The information, experience, and performance of our tools and products should reinforce our credibility as experts.


Pursue the Extraordinary

Just as Sasaki strives for excellence in other areas of our design practice, the design of the digital tools and products we create also aspire to be best-in-class, on a shared playing field with interface design industry leaders. Our interfaces will be marked by an elevated and thoughtful clarity of design, and will be conscious of the latest design trends, to assert our commitment in producing high quality interface design.

Each of the components and styles shown below have been designed with these concepts in mind. The colors and typography styles pulled directly from Sasaki’s brand already reflect these ideas, while new additions not already specified in Sasaki’s brand guidelines (buttons, hover states, shadows, form inputs, etc.) seek to replicate the tone of Sasaki’s brand -- through design decisions like slightly rounded corners, clean and simple icons, and subtle shadow effects.

Read more about the full brand guidelines and the spirit of Sasaki’s vision here: R:\_Brand Resources\00_Brand Guidelines\Sasaki_BrandGuidelines.pdf


CSS Grid

It is recommended to use CSS Grid to more easily make our tools mobile-friendly / responsive to different screen sizes. Familiarize yourself with it, as well as its browser limitations and workarounds. See this article for more info.

Responsive Screen Sizes

This design system is built mobile-first. Standard media queries are included in the design system as Sass mixins, so you can use them as follows:


// Extra small devices (portrait phones, less than 576px)

// Small devices (landscape phones, 576px and up)
@mixin sm {
  @media (min-width: 576px) { @content; };

// Medium devices (tablets, 768px and up)
@mixin md {
  @media (min-width: 768px) { @content; };

// Large devices (desktops, 992px and up)
@mixin lg {
  @media (min-width: 992px) { @content; };

// Extra large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)
@mixin xl {
  @media (min-width: 1200px) { @content; };

Global Styles

Global styles are definitions woven throughout an entire project, used in components, patterns, and templates. Logos, color, typography, and icons are the primary global elements used in this style guide.


Use each color by using the Sass variables shown below (i.e., "color: $primary;").

UI Colors

These are the primary colors to be used for interface components; data visualization colors may expand beyond this palette.


For strongly drawing attention to items




For more gently drawing attention to items



$nl (neutral light)

Ideal as a background wash to differentiate areas of the page



$nd (neutral dark)

Use sparingly and lightly; for example, as default font color



Alert Colors

These colors are only to be used for interface success, warning, and error messages.






All webfonts are pre-loaded into the design system (fonts.scss) using an @import link -- just target the font using the $ selector as follows below!

Korolev ($Korolev)

Light (200), Medium (500), Bold (700)

Korolev is Sasaki's primary brand font. This personality-rich display font should be used for headlines, not body copy. We use Typekit to display the webfont in light (200), medium (500), and bold (700) weights. To use Korolev, use "font-family: $Korolev".

Open Sans ($OpenSans)

Regular (500)

Open Sans is not included in Sasaki's brand guidelines, but is a web-friendly sans-serif that should be used for body copy. To use Open Sans, use "font-family: $OpenSans".

Cheltenham ITC Pro ($Cheltenham)

Light (200)

Cheltenham ITC Pro is Sasaki's brand serif font, though Georgia is an acceptable webfont alternative (and is specified in the fallbacks in this style guide). However, most of the apps and interfaces that Strategies builds does not typically call for the use of a serif font; use sparingly. We use Sasaki's account to load this webfont in the light (200) weight. To use Cheltenham, use "font-family: $Cheltenham".

Text Styles

Sizes can be adjusted to fit your project, but please use rem units (not px, pt, or em). Please also note that the white space around each header style is almost as important as the text itself; if you adjust sizes, be sure that breathing room is maintained proportionately.

h1: Callout

h2: Extra Large Header

h3: Large Header

h4: Medium Header

h5: Small Header
h6: Extra Small Header

p-lg: Large Body Text

p-md: Medium Body Text

p-sm: Small Body Text

    ul: Unordered List
  • li: Item 1
  • li: Item 2
  • li: Item 3
    ol: Ordered List
  1. li: Item 1
  2. li: Item 2
  3. li: Item 3


Styles for React Table are included in this design system; you can view a Codesandbox live preview below.


We use the Retina Icons iconset, a purchased library with thousands of icons to choose from.

The icons can be loaded in three ways, depending on the implementation.

Option #1: Icon objects with classnames

Recommended for most uses

Each icon has been assigned a classname and corresponding style. Look up the classname in the reference app, then code an icon object and assign the appropriate classname. An example is shown below:

<i class="retina-winter-2995"></i>

Option #2: CSS Content Variables

Style-first solution

To add the icon using only CSS, look up the icon's webfont unicode in the reference app and enter it as a content tag in the stylesheet, including the $Retina font family. An example is shown below:

<span class="unicode-test"></span>

.unicode-test:before {
    font-family: $Retina;
    content: "\f1b6";

Option #3: Direct Image Assets

Not recommended; managing assets is cumbersome and increases load times

If the above two methods aren't applicable, find the icon file on the network (L:\sa_strategies\Retina Icons), upload the asset, and embed as an image. There are a number of file formats available for every icon, including png, svg, eps, and more.

Most Common Icons

While there are thousands of icons to choose from in the Retina iconset, we most often use the icons shown below. Classnames and unicodes included for reference.


























































If color and type are global styles woven throughout a project, think of components as the building blocks (atoms) that help the project begin to take shape.



Buttons are shown in block (max 250px width) and standard sizes.

<button type="button" class="ss-button nl">Standard</button>
<button type="button" class="ss-button block nl">Block</button>


When using buttons of various sizes or colors, keep in mind the hierarchy of what you're asking the user to do -- for example, if you want to encourage them to click "yes," use a bright color for "yes" and a grey-tone for "no."

<button type="button" class="ss-button primary">Primary</button>
<button type="button" class="ss-button secondary">Secondary</button>
<button type="button" class="ss-button nl">Secondary</button>
<button type="button" class="ss-button nd">Secondary</button>

Icon Buttons

These small, square buttons can be used for individual button treatments or in combination with each other to create toolbars.


<button type="button" class="ss-button sq"></button>
Icon-Based Toolbars

Toolbar combinations can be created by creating square icon buttons within a horizontal toolbar (hz-tb) or vertical toolbar (vt-tb), as follows:

<div class="hz-tb">
     <button type="button" class="ss-button sq"><i class="retina-filetypecontent-1074"></i></button>
     <button type="button" class="ss-button sq"><i class="retina-theessentials-2541"></i></button>
     <button type="button" class="ss-button sq"><i class="retina-theessentials-2592"></i></button>
     <button type="button" class="ss-button sq"><i class="retina-theessentials-2538"></i></button>

<div class="vt-tb">
     <button type="button" class="ss-button sq"><i class="retina-design-0719"></i></button>
     <button type="button" class="ss-button sq"><i class="retina-design-0722"></i></button>
     <button type="button" class="ss-button sq"><i class="retina-design-0797"></i></button>
     <button type="button" class="ss-button sq"><i class="retina-theessentials-2576"></i></button>
Leaflet Overrides

Included in this design system are override styles for Leaflet Standard and Leaflet Editable default icons; a demo is shown below. The tools used here have class names assigned according to their kind, and styles assigned to those class kinds. We're hiding the default icons with visibility: hidden, and instead loading Retina icons into the "before" pseudo class.

Leaflet Standard
Leaflet Editable


<div id="slidecontainer">
  <input type="range" class="ss-slider">

Form Inputs


What is the radio button state?

<p class="form-prompt">What is the radio button state?</p>
  <input id="radio-1" class="radio" name="radio-group" type="radio">
  <label for="radio-1" class="radio-label">Radio is off</label>
  <input id="radio-2" class="radio" name="radio-group" type="radio" checked>
  <label for="radio-2" class="radio-label">Radio is on</label>
  <input id="radio-3" class="radio" name="radio-group-2" type="radio" disabled>
  <label for="radio-3" class="radio-label">Disabled radio is off</label>
  <input id="radio-4" class="radio" name="radio-group-2" type="radio" disabled checked>
  <label for="radio-4" class="radio-label">Disabled radio is on</label>

What is the checkbox state?

<p class="form-prompt">What is the checkbox state?</p>
  <input id="checkbox-1" class="checkbox" name="checkbox-group" type="checkbox">
  <label for="checkbox-1" class="checkbox-label">Unchecked</label>
  <input id="checkbox-2" class="checkbox" name="checkbox-group" type="checkbox" checked>
  <label for="checkbox-2" class="checkbox-label">Checked</label>
  <input id="checkbox-3" class="checkbox" name="checkbox-group-2" type="checkbox" disabled>
  <label for="checkbox-3" class="checkbox-label">Disabled unchecked</label>
  <input id="checkbox-4" class="checkbox" name="checkbox-group-2" type="checkbox" disabled checked>
  <label for="checkbox-4" class="checkbox-label">Disabled checked</label>

<div class="text-input">
  <label>Your Name</label>
  <input type="text" placeholder="Type here">

<div class="text-input">
  <input type="text" class="success" placeholder="Type here"><i class="retina-theessentials-2679"></i>

<div class="text-input">
  <input type="text" class="warning" placeholder="Type here"><i class="retina-theessentials-2681"></i>

<div class="text-input">
  <input type="text" class="error" placeholder="Type here"><i class="retina-theessentials-2680"></i>
Text Area

<div class="text-area">
  <label>What do you think?</label>
  <textarea rows="3" cols="50" placeholder="Type here"></textarea>

<input type="submit" class="ss-button primary">